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Winter Work at M.J. Design

People always ask what do landscapers do in the winter? Most responses will be they shovel snow, or they get laid off. Here at M.J. we don’t plow snow (we will always help clients in a pinch) nor do we lay staff off during the winter months. A majority of our staff returns to Mexico to spend time with family until they return for the season. Our full-time staff that are here all year long are busy. During freezing cold days like last week, they are working in the shop tuning up equipment, rebuilding & painting trailers, along with getting trucks and shop organized for the upcoming season. If the weather warms, we will be out cutting down ornamental grasses. We also do a lot of dormant pruning. It is a great time to cut back and rejuvenate deciduous shrubs that have gotten too big. Our landscape guys are checking the trees planted in the fall to be sure the high winds haven’t caused them to lean.

But it doesn’t stop with the field staff. The office and support staff is also busy during the winter months, helping get contracts out, closing the books from the previous year, and organizing system and planning projects for the upcoming season.

Do things slow down at M.J. Design during the winter? No, the focus just changes, like the seasons. We are in planning mode. If you are thinking you want to change up your landscape, now is the perfect time to start the process. Please give us a call!


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