After 2 ½ years of working and waiting, the time has come! Lorenso, one of M.J. Design’s maintenance foreman, successfully got his family green cards. Lorenso received his green card in 2019 and then started the process of bringing his family to the United States.
On August 6th, his family arrived! Lorenso was grinning ear to ear to be with his family. M.J. Staff assisted in finding an apartment and all the furnishings to help welcome them. Lorenso’s wife, Maria, traveled here with their three kids – Karla 14, Ernesto 11 and Abril 8.
We are excited to have Lorenso be a year-round employee and so happy for the family to be here with him. They are getting adjusted to this new lifestyle, but M.J. Design is here to support him and the family. Please help us welcome the Beltran Family!