Watering questions with plants are always our number one question topic during the growing season, and please keep the inquiries going!
Remember, we do not want a plant to go into the winter stressed (not knowing what the weather will be like!) But the amount of needed water changes weekly, if not daily—whew!:
Often times when watering issues are so easily prominent, it actually means there are improperly planted turf or plants. It is important to plant the right plants in the right place—and with the right technique! These pictures are of our donated roundabout planting we did for Union County, by Costco and our office. Believe it or not—we have never watered this planting, even at installation! This setting is the perfect example: with proper soil, proper planting techniques, good plant selections, and the right on-going maintenance, anything can be done. You’ve probably heard me talk and use the analogy between plants and our bodies. We all know we should eat well and exercise to be in shape and healthy… and the same is true with plants—we know what to do, it just has to be done. But most of the time, the right actions are just not taken for proper plantings.

This season, we saw that overwatering was actually often as big of a problem as dryness, if not worse. Last week we were in the 90s and needed daily watering on annuals and new plantings. As I write this, the high tomorrow is mid 60’s. We can go every 3-5 days on watering now and maybe even no watering on established plants. I have been seeing irrigated sites quickly become way too wet, with the rapid climate change. I have my system off, except for some seeded areas. The best way to tell how much water you need is to dig up the soil and stick your hand into the soil, not the mulch, to test the moisture level. We’re shooting for wet/moist—not soupy, and not crumbly soil.
Evaluate Your Landscape for Spring!
Please call the office to get on our list—we'll help plan the right new plants in the right growing environments to fit your property.
