Following this bitter cold weather, we will be looking forward to the days when we can sit outside and enjoy the warm sun—finally! Now is the time to consider what your landscape will need to recover from all the snow (and ice) during this cold season. No need to panic, these are typical landscape problems that can usually be easy to fix.
#1 Wet winters cause drainage issues.
When the sun comes out and temperatures warm up, everything starts to melt. Your lawn will collect water in low-lying places and along bed edges. It may not be puddles, just soggy spots that are excessively muddy. This is most likely due to poor drainage due to surface water. Depending on the location, solutions could be French drains or dry creeks.
#2 Dealing with snow mold.
There are two different kinds of snow mold; gray snow mold occurs when your lawn is covered by snow for a couple of months, while pink snow mold is a fungus that can kill off the grass blades, but does not damage the turf roots. You don’t have to have snow to have pink snow mold. Don’t Panic. Most of the time your lawn will recover on its own after adequate sunlight and spring air help during the first few mowings of the season.
#3 The burn.
Snow and ice removal are essential to keeping your property safe during these winter storms. Instead of reaching for the salt and leaving a crime scene behind as your lawn cries in agony, reach for Calcium Chloride ice melt, which is much safer for the grass and plants. Magnesium Chloride, like calcium chloride, is safe for your plants, it’s also safer for the family pet’s paws and stomachs.
If you are experiencing an issue as a result of our winter weather and would like some advice, give us a call. Spring is a great time to repair damaged lawns and plants, whether it was from salt burn or not, seeding or overseeding the lawn is helpful as soon as the weather allows.

Evaluate Your Landscape for Spring!
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