During this holiday season, we want to take a little time to tell you about a very special group of people – our Hispanic staff members. At M.J. Design, we could not do what we do without our workers from Mexico. Imagine leaving your home and your family to come to a foreign country where you may not even speak the language. Then committing yourself to working long hours, learning and toiling every day to do the best job you can.
We cannot thank these men enough for taking time away from their families from February through November, or from April to December if they are an H2B employee. They are hardworking, dedicated individuals who always come to work, willing to put in whatever is necessary to succeed at their job. Frequently, when a crew has finished their work for the day, they are the first to pitch in to help on another job. The teamwork these men exhibit is amazing.
To celebrate all that our team does for the company, we recently held our End of the Season and Christmas party before many of our staff head back to Mexico. While we do fun events throughout the year, this party serves as a recognition of the best of the season as well as a festive holiday celebration. Our annual award winners, as voted by their peers, were recognized. This year’s recipients were:

Best Edger – Andrew
Best Pruner – Faisal
Best Mower – Daniel
Most Improved – Checo and Zeke
MVP – Geronimo
Our Perfect Attendance certificates honored those who did not miss a single day of work all season.
The party featured a Reverse Raffle, with prizes that ranged from candy canes and Christmas socks to numerous gift cards from Amazon, Chipotle and Wendy’s, a food processor, a tv and a laptop! There was also Mexican style Bingo, which challenged our English-speaking staff and rewarded participants with a variety of monetary, fun and ‘white elephant’ prizes. There was also a gift exchange with many creative and fun gifts, as well as two piñatas filled with candy and money. We found that the piñatas brought out the child in all of us! Delicious food was provided by Heflin’s Catering, and the night wound down with a round of fireworks and sparklers.