by Amanda Murphy, Master OCNT • Garden Account Manager
Over the last couple of months, as we ramp up for the summer season, we’ve been talking about new ideas to incorporate into our day-to-day practices to be more environmentally friendly. And actually, many of these practices have been the standard at M.J. Design for quite some time—such as recycling.
We recycle everything from office paper, cans, plastics, metal, wire, etc... And we reuse our compost waste as a planting medium in our landscape installations. It is also not uncommon for us to repurpose discarded soil, rocks, boulders and plant material here at our display gardens or other projects. Almost nothing goes to waste! Joel is a real stickler about that!!
Whenever possible, especially for our regular maintenance use, we prefer to use an all-natural weed control products such as, horticultural vinegar—vs. a glyphosate (roundup). We’re even making a hard push this season to make this the standard practice. This really helps keep the soil healthy (as well as the applicator) and nearby wildlife and beneficial insects. Plus, when diluted, this makes a great cleaning solution around the shop and office. We plan to order this product in bulk, thus also reducing our plastic usage!

As April approaches, we are reminded of the State of Ohio’s designation of April being Native Plant Month and it’s also when we recognize Earth Day! M.J. makes it a regular practice to incorporate many native plants into our designs, it just makes sense. They are grown locally, disease resistant, don’t need as much fertilizer and can tolerate our local weather patterns with less stress. Creating a stronger plant with vibrant blooms and foliage.
These plants also benefit our bee, butterfly and bird friends needed for pollination.
This season, we are also planning to include vegetables and herbs into landscape beds and container plantings to help keep unwanted diners (deer and groundhogs) at bay. It’s a natural solution to a pesky problem.
We look forward to officially celebrating Earth Day in April, but really, every day is Earth Day in the landscape business… especially when you steer your horticultural and business practices to be environmentally friendly. We try to Recycle, Reuse and Repurpose many things here at M.J. Design.
You’re welcome to view our practices in action by visiting us and our display gardens any time or during one of our special events. You’ll also witness our crews following these guidelines and practices while performing their weekly or monthly visits to your home.
So, Happy Spring and here’s to celebrating Earth Day, Native Plant month, AND the 3 R’s (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) now and every day!