by Amanda Murphy, Master OCNT • CNT Grower, Core & Landscape
It’s late August! And for many, it’s time to sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Literally and figuratively in some cases. Your landscape is at the fullest growth with gardens blooming, vegetables ripening, and your lawn is taking care of itself.
We look forward to this time of the year, things slow down a bit, giving us a chance to take time to stop and smell the roses, lavender or thyme, do a little deadheading, and work on our gardens here at our M.J. office. We always get a kick out of seeing what has self seeded in our compost pile, too! We have a few squash and pumpkins staking their ground.
Seeing the seasonal squash plants of fall reminds me that the wonderful change of season will slowly make itself known with an occasional cooler breeze, a certain glow of light in the evening, and that Maple leaf with a tinge of red on it! Just this week, our growers sent us order forms for fall mums, kale, cabbage, and pumpkins! We never want to rush summer, but fall is also a welcomed season!
And remember that one of our favorite services we offer is Fall Décor! We love filling containers, garden beds, or straw bales with colorful flowers, pumpkins, and gourds. Let us know if you would like to welcome Autumn at your home with some seasonal décor! We usually get started for fall in September.
Give us a call!
