Like many of you, this time of year I find myself looking back at the past 12 months, always amazed at how fast the year went. Joel and I are fortunate to have had our business for 22 years. Every year has led us to new endeavors, relationships, and successes—with a couple hiccups along the way. 2020 certainly did not let us down in that regard.
We are very fortunate to be in an industry that allowed us to keep working when many others were shut down. We talk often about how grateful we are to work outside. The fresh air and sunshine do wonders for our morale and spirits. We were fortunate that our staff remained healthy all year long and while some of it had to do with our sanitizing practices, I think most of it had to do with the fact that our employees get to work outside every day and "play in the dirt." I believe there may just be a natural immunity that comes from that!
As our business has grown over the last 22 years, we have met many wonderful people from; employees, suppliers, and industry contractors, to our valued clients. We would not be where we are today without all these relationships. We are truly grateful for each and every one of you who have supported us along the way.
As we wrap up 2020, let's think about the positives. We know there were hardships, heartache, and disappointments. But let’s all be grateful for:
The time we spent with our immediate families. (ok, maybe a bit more than you actually wanted)
Helping kids with homework and solving math problems you hadn’t done in 30 years!
Accomplishing some of those home improvement projects you talked about for years but never started.
Learning the value of helping others when they need a helping hand.
For those working from home, common dress codes were a nice shirt or blouse on top with sweatpants and slippers on the bottom—as Zoom and GoTo meetings, etc. are now a new normal every week.
Masks are now a fashion statement.
Disney+ was launched at just the right time so we could binge watch: all the Princess movies, High School Musical, Avengers and most importantly for Joel, Star Wars.
Driveways became the new neighborhood hangouts. Many found a new appreciation for the Outdoors from; Metroparks, bike trails and our own backyards.
Yes, we missed 12 weekends of OSU football. But it also gave us time to enjoy new alternatives.
And hopefully the quiet evenings and just chilling on a porch helped us all learn that life doesn’t always have to be "run-run-run!"
We have much to look forward to in 2021. The vaccines are coming, renewing hope that we can return to a new normal. Our son graduates from high school late spring, bringing signs that we will soon be empty nesters. But most importantly I look forward to enjoying our slow time this winter, yet excited for the arrival of spring and plants coming alive again. They bring me New Hope with New Beginnings.
Joel and I wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and much Health and Happiness in the New Year!
Molly John

Evaluate Your Landscape for Spring!
Please call the office to get on our list—we'll help plan the right new plants in the right growing environments to fit your property.