Professional pruning is an art, not a science. M.J. Design takes pride in hand pruning, and will take the time to make sure we continue to teach our staff how to correctly prune to obtain the results that our customers want.
Being a professional pruner takes a lot of training and practice. It is a practice you can learn, but takes experience to master. This summer, we have two Columbus State Interns—it’s exciting to teach them and see them improve. It is our goal at M.J. to make sure all our team members understand that not every plant is pruned at the same time or the same way.
Some plants require harsh pruning early in the spring, while others, like lilacs, are pruned after they bloom. These early summer months are a great time to prune back the Boxwoods and Taxus—as they have already had their spring growth harden off and are now ready to be trimmed (not sheared!)
Get your pruning taken care of with our maintenance services offered.
Call 614.873.7333 for details!

M.J.'s Grady Cobb presents a pruning class to our newer employees.