Happy Holidays! Hard to believe 2018 is coming to an end. Thank you all, for making it another great year at M.J. Design. It was a major challenge with all the crazy weather, but we completed quite a few fun projects and saw lots of growth at all our ongoing maintenance properties.
This past year being the second wettest year on record, we saw the emergence of many new issues (new puddles, diseases, insects, and crazy growth). Though on a positive note, even with all the immigration issues in the U.S., we were successfully able to secure 11 of our guys from Mexico with Green Cards, and we are anxiously awaiting the completion of 3 more, hopefully before year’s end! We are very proud to say we have a legal staff working on your properties—this is not always common in our industry. We also won 2 National and 2 State Industry Awards for our residential installations and maintenance work.
Completing our 20th year in business with an open house and garden tour at our facility—where many of you joined us to celebrate—reinforced how blessed we are to have such great network. And a come-from-behind OSU win over Penn State just capped off that special day! Well, and any year with a win over Michigan is a good year. Go Bucks! …Here’s to staring a great 2019!
Thank you again for your help and patronage.
Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Joel John

New Green Card holders.