Another growing season is coming to an end, but that does NOT mean you should give up on your landscape. It can still be beautiful. The falling leaves cover up issues and short comings, almost like snow!
Now is a great time to plan for next year, while perennials, grasses, and shrubbery are still at full size. It is also easier to gauge what needs removed, divided, and/or transplanted. Or does something need to be replaced?

There is also still time to plant the big stuff—trees and shrubs—since the ground is still warm but air temperatures are cooler. This combination leads to healthy root growth and a lot less stress on the canopy of the plant.
And are leaves ever going to fall this year? Due to the warm temperatures and the VERY wet growing year, all plants are holding their foliage longer than usual. Even the couple hard freezes have only hit the seasonal annuals, while many perennials still have their foliage. At least the grass has finally stopped growing so much. In our 20 years this is the most mowing we have ever done, as well as the most pruning… Plants just grew and grew!
Celebrating our 20th year in business, I just want to reiterate how much we appreciate your business and your help. It has allowed Molly and I to grow a business and a career for us and others, while also providing a home for 18 Mexican workers. You have provided the projects that allow us to be creative and win national awards for the work. Most of all, your patronage has created jobs we enjoy and a place that we love coming to work to each day.
Thank you, and let the holidays begin!
Joel John