M.J. Design has managed installation and maintenance at the Temple property since 2008. This year, the Ohio Nursery and Landscape Association’s (ONLA) award committee saw the property as an award winner! As with all full maintenance properties, M.J.’s work is full service—and includes everything needed to keep a property looking its absolute best:
The weekly mowing routine focuses on straight lines and a sharp look.

Each spring the landscape beds and trees are edged by hand, creating a deep crisp edge. And the tree rings are made in proportion to the scale of the trees.

All trees and shrubs are fertilized with an organic fertilizer, prior to being mulched with Organic Hardwood Mulch. We use this product because of the natural color and it will breakdown over the course of the year, so as not to build up over the years.

With all pruning, it is selectively done by hand. This allows us to keep them shaped neatly but look more natural. We prune into the plants to keep air and light going into the plants, so they do not dieback on the insides. We call this “punching holes” in the plants.

The gravel in the firepit area is raked throughout the season and we will spray round-up if needed to keep weeds under control. This property uses a six-step turf fertilization program to help maintain a healthy-looking lawn. Because of the thick lush grass, we mow this property two times a week most of the year. We don’t bag any clippings, but mulch them up for additional nutrients. Maintaining the manicured lawn and keeping bed edges trimmed helps to set apart the turf from the landscape beds. Deadheading perennials and touching up the pruning on the shrubs each week leaves the landscape looking manicured all the time.
Thank you to the Temple family for allowing us to care for your property and for submitting it for this award!