Have you wondered what you could do with your containers and pots in the winter? How can you add some excitement to the entry of your house during the holidays and cold months? An easy answer is to transform your containers from summer annual flowers to winter greens.
Evergreen cuttings can be found from plants around your yard—including spruce and pine trees. Evergreen shrubs like boxwood, yews and arborvitae make great fillers. Even the trimmings of your family holiday tree can be a nice addition! Finding some ornamental plants like cedar, cypress, magnolia leaves, holly and winterberry at your local garden center will be good accents with different foliage colors and often times berries.
Whether your container is large or small, these simple winter accents will help compliment your holiday décor—and, after the holidays, you can just remove any of the ornamental features specific to the holiday and keep the greens in the containers all winter long! There is always a need to brighten our days during the long, chilly winter months.