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Mar 24, 2023
What Plants to Prune Now & Why
It's finally early spring! Note, there are a few plants that you should avoid major pruning during this season...
May 25, 2022
Irrigation Start-Up Considerations
Even if the irrigation system has been started and checked for repairs, consider the environment and recent weather before running.
Mar 30, 2022
Mulch: Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde
This time of year everyone is ready to get out and mulch, but what IS the best way to mulch?
Apr 19, 2017
Mowing Properly in Spring
Delivering care to your lawn at the right time and in the proper way is crucial for preparing grass for the intensity of the summer growing
Apr 19, 2017
Oh, the Crabgrass...
We're here to help keep your lawn free of grassy weeds! Grassy weeds are common in many home lawns, BUT they can be treated—even with no
Apr 18, 2017
Temptations as Spring Temperatures Arrive!
With the temperatures warming up, here are a few helpful landscaping pointers (and temptations) for you to consider:
Be careful with the urg
Mar 13, 2017
Spring Pruning of Roses
Rejuvenate Roses with a Hard Annual Pruning. Prune to shape and clean out—dead wood and worn out branches, along with weak and spent...
Feb 17, 2017
Think Summer Annuals!
Six more weeks of winter? Ha. We're making plans for annual flowers! On Ground Hog’s Day, both Buckeye Chuck and Punxsutawney Phil saw...
Feb 16, 2017
Preparing Your Ornamental Grasses for Spring
If you have ornamental grasses in your landscaping, now is the time to start to cut them back. You want to cut back these grasses before...
Jan 25, 2017
Wacky Winter Weather Can Affect our Plants
Dandelion weeds in January, big fluctuations in temperatures, late-dropping leaves, and blooms in winter! How can we help maintain a...
Jan 25, 2017
Need Mower, Tiller or Small Engine Repair?
Did you remember to get your landscape equipment serviced in the fall prior to putting it away for the winter? If not, this is a great...
Jan 24, 2017
What Do We Do in Winter?
Everyone always asks what we do all winter. We are actually very busy preparing for organized maintenance contracts and a successful...
Dec 7, 2016
Mulching in Late Fall or Early Winter
Many people feel that spring is the time to mulch their landscaping beds. It looks good and protects their plants from the extreme heat...
Oct 31, 2016
Winter Container Gardens
Have you wondered what you could do with your containers and pots in the winter? How can you add some excitement to the entry of your...
Oct 28, 2016
Our New Website Launch!
It is with great excitement that we announce the launch of this newly designed website. After much preparation and strategy with Jen...
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