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Mar 24, 2023
What Plants to Prune Now & Why
It's finally early spring! Note, there are a few plants that you should avoid major pruning during this season...

Jan 16, 2023
Why Are We Pruning in the Winter?
The answer is simple… The gray, still days of winter are the perfect time to prune trees and many woody shrubs.

Mar 30, 2022
The Importance of Pruning Roses Properly
A good rejuvenation prune in early spring won’t put too much stress on a rose plant, as the weather is cool enough to allow it to recover.

Jun 21, 2021
Our Pruning Practices
Quality, effective pruning takes solid plant knowledge to do it correctly.

Feb 19, 2021
Winter Pruning
Winter is the season of dormancy, and the season usually right after most of the plants are done blooming, it is the best time to prune.

Jun 22, 2020
Summer Pruning Time is Here
When we prune, we are helping to open plants up and remove old growth, thus encouraging new young growth.

Feb 25, 2020
The Benefits of Winter Pruning
It is a common misconception that tree maintenance is not done in winter months. There are benefits to pruning when plants are dormant.

Jun 24, 2019
Summer Pruning: Shaping, Rejuvenating & Stimulating More Flowering!
Professional pruning is an art, not a science. Best-practice pruning takes a lot of training and experience—not every plant should get the s

Mar 20, 2019
Spring Maintenance Tips to Keep in Mind
As the warmer weather sneaks in, don’t neglect the early-season practices essential to a healthy, growing landscape! We’re here to help...

Mar 6, 2019
Time to Cut Down Ornamental Grasses
One benefit of ornamental grasses is that they provide some nice visual texture during the winter landscapes can look bare. When and why do

Mar 6, 2019
The Importance of Spring Pruning to Deciduous Shrubs
February and March are great times for pruning—as it is best to prune deciduous shrubs is when the plant is still dormant and when you can s

Aug 24, 2018
Practical Answers for Your Property
There is no perfect answer to the problems that have popped up this season, but we always look to provide environmentally-friendly and pract

Feb 20, 2018
Why Do We Prune by Hand?
At M.J., we'll do anything to help a plant thrive and grow. So, why do others shear plants into neat square, round and pyramid shaped ob

Jun 23, 2017
Thin Your Plants with Proper Summer Pruning
Cutting back is another way to encourage your perennials to produce healthy, new growth—and of course they’ll look tidier! Summer pruning di

Mar 13, 2017
Spring Pruning of Roses
Rejuvenate Roses with a Hard Annual Pruning. Prune to shape and clean out—dead wood and worn out branches, along with weak and spent...

Feb 16, 2017
Preparing Your Ornamental Grasses for Spring
If you have ornamental grasses in your landscaping, now is the time to start to cut them back. You want to cut back these grasses before...
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