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Mar 13, 2020
M.J. Donates Time to Improve Industrial Parkway Roundabout
We were frustrated with the lack of care to the installations since built, and have offered to donate our time and materials to help improve

Feb 25, 2020
The Benefits of Winter Pruning
It is a common misconception that tree maintenance is not done in winter months. There are benefits to pruning when plants are dormant.

Feb 25, 2020
Welcoming Steff Stoll
Steff loves being outside and has 8 years experience in the landscaping industry and an additional 10 years clearing trees for builders...

Feb 5, 2020
Still Need a Resolution for 2020? How About Composting?
Did you know that 30% of the stuff thrown away each year is food scraps? Composting this waste instead will help with proper break down!

Feb 5, 2020
The Benefits of a Landscape Design Plan
The return and long-term benefits you will get from a professional landscape design plan make the effort worthwhile.

Feb 4, 2020
Welcoming Amanda Murphy
Amanda joins our team as the Garden Service Coordinator. She will be working on designing and coordinating seasonal color & containers/pots.

Dec 18, 2019
2019 Wrap-Up from Joel
Happy Holidays! As 2019 comes to a close... Let's reflect on some successes of the year, as we've achieved a wide array of landscape

Nov 22, 2019
Liven Up Your Gray Winter Landscape!
There are definitely ways to add some color and interest to your winter landscape with the right choice of plant material and/or some lighti

Oct 30, 2019
Enjoy the Fall Color (& Clean Up!)
Remember, bugs like moisture, and when leaves fall from the trees, their piles create a layers of moisture that can lead to issues come spri

Oct 29, 2019
When Should I Stop Watering in the Fall?
It is just as important for roots to be moist going into winter (before the ground freezes) as it is during summer months.

Aug 22, 2019
Crazy Summer Heat?
In Ohio, we're seeing the extremes—record rainfall amounts over a 15-month period, followed by a period of limited rain fall. Plants are

Jul 17, 2019
Weeds, Weeds... Go Away!
With the ground being so wet, you may see new weeds pop up overnight. The biggest help is to catch them early. Here are some ways we help co

Jun 24, 2019
Summer Pruning: Shaping, Rejuvenating & Stimulating More Flowering!
Professional pruning is an art, not a science. Best-practice pruning takes a lot of training and experience—not every plant should get the s

Jun 24, 2019
Are you Seeing a Fungus on your Crabapple Trees?
What is it? Mr. Will King with Ahlum & Arbor, suggests that with the cool nights and wet weather we’ve had, it is a good chance that it

May 24, 2019
Planning a Summer Perennial Garden
A well-planned perennial garden can be just as bright and vibrant as a garden with annuals—and you don’t have to replant it each year!

Apr 29, 2019
Ready to plant? Slow down. Not yet!
You may see the daffodils, tulips, and hyacinths popping out and showing some vibrant colors in your flower bed, but remember, these are har

Mar 20, 2019
April Plant Sale!
The Franklin Soil and Water Conservation District is having their Annual Spring Tree and Plant Sale. Visit
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