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Jul 26, 2021
Pollinator-Friendly Plants
You may have noticed in past years that pollinator plants were on the decline. But why? Most reasons are related to the use of chemicals....

Jul 26, 2021
The Best Watering Techniques
When determining if you need to water, the rule of thumb is 1 inch of water per week. Now, don't count on your local news to tell you how...

Feb 19, 2021
Recovering Your Landscape from Snow… Good, bad, Ugly
Now is the time to consider what your landscape will need to recover from all the snow (and ice) during this cold season.

Jan 25, 2021
Joel's Dirt: The latest on H2B, and our spring preview
We are fortunate to have secured Permanent Resident Cards (green cards) for many of our workers, but our H2B support staff is unlikely.

Dec 21, 2020
2020 Summary from Molly—Feeling Grateful.
As we wrap up 2020, let's think about the positives. We know there were hardships and disappointments. But there is much to be grateful for.

Sep 23, 2020
Joel's Dirt: 2020 Growing Season Reflections
Just keeping plants alive has been a challenge, let alone looking great! Regardless, I have been very proud of M.J. Design’s work/results.

Sep 23, 2020
The Importance of Right Plant, Right Place!
Often times when watering issues are so easily prominent, it actually means there are improperly planted turf or plants.

Aug 24, 2020
Tip for Fall: Dividing Your Perennials
Do you want more blooms on your perennials next year? During the early fall days—when there is less heat stress on your plants—is a...

Aug 24, 2020
Now is the Time to Plan for Spring Color—Tulip Education:
You may have planted tulips bulbs last year and had great blooms in spring. However, most tulips are not strong bloomers after year one.

Jul 27, 2020
Remember: Leaves of Three, Let it Be!
Myth: Poison ivy, oak, and sumac only grow in the woods.
Fact: You can find it just about anywhere in the upper Midwest, even in the cities!

Jul 27, 2020
Summer Tips & Reminders
Here are some tips as we experience what feels like the good ol' "Dog Days of Summer!" Beetles, watering, and fall color plans!

Jun 22, 2020
Seasonal Reminders
From fertilizing and mosquito control to dealing with other contractors on your property, we're here to help you through the summer.

Jun 22, 2020
Summer Pruning Time is Here
When we prune, we are helping to open plants up and remove old growth, thus encouraging new young growth.

Jun 19, 2020
Some Tips for Deer Damage
We have to find new ways to distract the deer from all the sweet-smelling green plants. Here are some tips.

May 20, 2020
Summer Gardens... Start with a Plan!
Regardless of your garden desires, remember it is best to start with a careful plan to make sure the right details are being considered.

May 19, 2020
Mother Nature’s 2020 Effect!
Due to the weather in 2020 so far, we have a few notes for you about plant health!

Apr 21, 2020
Planting Ohio’s Native Plants
Why do we love incorporating natives into our landscape designs as well as the established landscapes we maintain?

Apr 20, 2020
Spring Planting & Summer Annuals
Spring is in the Air, but don’t be too quick to plant those summer annuals, YET. As we battle this COVID-19 storm, just remember at the...

Apr 17, 2020
Mulching 101 & Common Myths
Some people think that you can never mulch too much—a common myth: The deeper the mulch the harder it is for weeds to grow. WRONG!
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