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Mar 3, 2023
Reorganizing your Garden & Transplanting
If your landscape is tired or plants that you love may need a new home, late winter through early spring is a great time to transplant.

Jan 16, 2023
Why Are We Pruning in the Winter?
The answer is simple… The gray, still days of winter are the perfect time to prune trees and many woody shrubs.

Dec 21, 2020
Thinking about a change to your outdoor space?
Winter is the time to start planning if you are looking to make changes to your property in 2021. Our designers are happy to meet with you!

Mar 16, 2020
Health & Safety is Our Highest Priority
Let me be clear. Your health and the health of our team members is my highest priority. Period.

Feb 25, 2020
The Benefits of Winter Pruning
It is a common misconception that tree maintenance is not done in winter months. There are benefits to pruning when plants are dormant.

Feb 5, 2020
The Benefits of a Landscape Design Plan
The return and long-term benefits you will get from a professional landscape design plan make the effort worthwhile.

Jul 17, 2019
Weeds, Weeds... Go Away!
With the ground being so wet, you may see new weeds pop up overnight. The biggest help is to catch them early. Here are some ways we help co

Jun 24, 2019
Summer Pruning: Shaping, Rejuvenating & Stimulating More Flowering!
Professional pruning is an art, not a science. Best-practice pruning takes a lot of training and experience—not every plant should get the s

Jun 24, 2019
Are you Seeing a Fungus on your Crabapple Trees?
What is it? Mr. Will King with Ahlum & Arbor, suggests that with the cool nights and wet weather we’ve had, it is a good chance that it

May 24, 2019
Have a review to share about M.J. Design?
We love hearing feedback from our clients.
Please consider leaving us a review on Google! While logged on to your google account, search for

May 24, 2019
Planning a Summer Perennial Garden
A well-planned perennial garden can be just as bright and vibrant as a garden with annuals—and you don’t have to replant it each year!

Apr 29, 2019
Spring Lawn Touch Ups!
Ideally, we like to have new seed planted by May 15th to take advantage of the spring rains—as keeping the new seed moist is key to germinat

Apr 29, 2019
Ready to plant? Slow down. Not yet!
You may see the daffodils, tulips, and hyacinths popping out and showing some vibrant colors in your flower bed, but remember, these are har

Mar 20, 2019
Spring Maintenance Tips to Keep in Mind
As the warmer weather sneaks in, don’t neglect the early-season practices essential to a healthy, growing landscape! We’re here to help...

Mar 6, 2019
Time to Cut Down Ornamental Grasses
One benefit of ornamental grasses is that they provide some nice visual texture during the winter landscapes can look bare. When and why do

Mar 6, 2019
The Importance of Spring Pruning to Deciduous Shrubs
February and March are great times for pruning—as it is best to prune deciduous shrubs is when the plant is still dormant and when you can s

Feb 19, 2019
Outdoor Projects on Your Mind? Use the Cold Weather to Plan!
Have you recently looked into your backyard and thought, ”Boy, we wish we spent more time outdoors?” “If only we had a more pleasant outdoor
Dec 14, 2018
Late Leaves! But Don't Worry
It has been strange to see so many properties where the leaves would just not fall or fell so late. Most years, we're able to mulch up t

Oct 29, 2018
Now is NOT the Time to Give Up on Your Landscape
Another growing season is ending, but that does NOT mean you should give up on your landscape. It can still be beautiful—and this is the per

Dec 15, 2017
Planning Ahead Has Benefits
If you have special events or landscape goals coming up, let us know this winter! We can get your project planned and scheduled for your eve
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