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Mar 3, 2023
Reorganizing your Garden & Transplanting
If your landscape is tired or plants that you love may need a new home, late winter through early spring is a great time to transplant.

Jan 16, 2023
Why Are We Pruning in the Winter?
The answer is simple… The gray, still days of winter are the perfect time to prune trees and many woody shrubs.

Jul 15, 2022
Our Recent Landscape Awards
OLA recognizes designers, installers and property owners to increase awareness of quality landscaping and how it improves our environment.

Aug 23, 2021
M.J. Design Continues to Educate
We encourage our staff to continue expanding their learning through classes, trade shows, and tours where they'll find new tactics.

Jul 26, 2021
Pollinator-Friendly Plants
You may have noticed in past years that pollinator plants were on the decline. But why? Most reasons are related to the use of chemicals....

Jul 26, 2021
The Best Watering Techniques
When determining if you need to water, the rule of thumb is 1 inch of water per week. Now, don't count on your local news to tell you how...

Jun 21, 2021
Core Principles of Our Designs
Let’s discuss how we incorporate core principles into our designs to make for a lush, colorful, and free-flowing landscape.

May 19, 2021
Got Girdling Tree Roots?
Imagine wearing a belt that is being squeezed tighter and tighter, and you’ll get an idea of what girdling roots do to a tree!

Apr 23, 2021
Container Gardening Done Right
If you don’t have the space or time, but want to grow produce or fill the space with scent and color, containers are a great option!

Mar 26, 2021
Award Received at Annual Landscape Awards Competition
M.J. Design was one of just four companies to win an award in ONLA's 48th Annual Landscape Awards competition!

Feb 18, 2021
Starting with a Quality Design Plan
Are you looking to enhance your property this year! Let us help you!
Every landscape should begin with a quality plan.

Dec 21, 2020
Thinking about a change to your outdoor space?
Winter is the time to start planning if you are looking to make changes to your property in 2021. Our designers are happy to meet with you!

Oct 23, 2020
Silver Award from the National Association of Landscape Professionals
M.J. Design Associates is proud to announce it has been awarded an Award of Excellence—Silver Award by the NALP.

Aug 24, 2020
Now is the Time to Plan for Spring Color—Tulip Education:
You may have planted tulips bulbs last year and had great blooms in spring. However, most tulips are not strong bloomers after year one.

Jul 27, 2020
Remember: Leaves of Three, Let it Be!
Myth: Poison ivy, oak, and sumac only grow in the woods.
Fact: You can find it just about anywhere in the upper Midwest, even in the cities!

Jun 22, 2020
Summer Pruning Time is Here
When we prune, we are helping to open plants up and remove old growth, thus encouraging new young growth.

Jun 19, 2020
Some Tips for Deer Damage
We have to find new ways to distract the deer from all the sweet-smelling green plants. Here are some tips.

May 20, 2020
Summer Gardens... Start with a Plan!
Regardless of your garden desires, remember it is best to start with a careful plan to make sure the right details are being considered.

May 19, 2020
Mother Nature’s 2020 Effect!
Due to the weather in 2020 so far, we have a few notes for you about plant health!

Apr 21, 2020
Planting Ohio’s Native Plants
Why do we love incorporating natives into our landscape designs as well as the established landscapes we maintain?
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