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May 25, 2022
Good Mowing Practices
Here are some good mowing practices we like to keep in mind that help keep your lawn green and healthy throughout the summer.

Feb 1, 2022
When & How We Cut Ornamental Grasses
From a horticulture standpoint, you just want to make sure that they are cut down before they start to grow come spring.

Aug 24, 2020
Beware of Disease in Your Turf
If you see brown spots in your lawn, don't panic. It can be fixed with a little TLC and some fungicide.

Sep 24, 2019
Seasonal Tips to Kickoff Fall!
As we approach the early days of autumn, there are a few special maintenance topics we want to make sure you keep on your (or our) agenda.

Aug 23, 2019
End-of-Season Turf Update
With the above-average precipitation we had in spring and early summer, it kept the grass lush, but that has also contributed to some of the

Jun 24, 2019
What Makes a Lawn Green?
When thinking about the greenness of your lawn, it is critical to know that each grass variety reacts differently to what Mother Nature give

Mar 6, 2019
Time to Cut Down Ornamental Grasses
One benefit of ornamental grasses is that they provide some nice visual texture during the winter landscapes can look bare. When and why do

Feb 16, 2017
Preparing Your Ornamental Grasses for Spring
If you have ornamental grasses in your landscaping, now is the time to start to cut them back. You want to cut back these grasses before...
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