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May 23, 2017
Bugs to Watch
If you have columbine in your garden, look out for columbine sawfly (Pristiphora rufipes). If numerous, they can devour all the leaves, leav

May 23, 2017
Caring for Boxwood & Psylid
If you have Boxwoods, you may notice what looks like tiny bits of snow on the plants. When you look up close you will notice that they are l

May 23, 2017
Choosing & Planting those Annuals!
Remember to wait until the threat of frost is gone and the soil has warmed to 60 degrees. Try Sunpatiens, Dragon wing Begonias or Cabbage Pa

May 22, 2017
Plant Wand vs. Spray Nozzle?
If you are using a spray nozzle to spray water over your plants, let’s rethink your watering technique! Many people think that a plant wand
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