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Aug 23, 2021
Fall Color Planning
One of our favorite services we offer is Fall Décor! We love filling containers, garden beds, or straw bales with colorful plants.

May 19, 2021
Cutting Back Bulb Foliage
Now that the spring bulb's flowers are gone you may be tempted to cut back the foliage… But wait!

Apr 23, 2021
Spring Has Sprung? Not Yet!
Ohio's spring can be a “chilling” reminder that in our Planting Zone (#6), it is always best to resist planting until after May 15th.

Mar 26, 2021
Award Received at Annual Landscape Awards Competition
M.J. Design was one of just four companies to win an award in ONLA's 48th Annual Landscape Awards competition!

Oct 23, 2020
Silver Award from the National Association of Landscape Professionals
M.J. Design Associates is proud to announce it has been awarded an Award of Excellence—Silver Award by the NALP.

May 20, 2020
Summer Gardens... Start with a Plan!
Regardless of your garden desires, remember it is best to start with a careful plan to make sure the right details are being considered.

Aug 22, 2019
Crazy Summer Heat?
In Ohio, we're seeing the extremes—record rainfall amounts over a 15-month period, followed by a period of limited rain fall. Plants are

Jul 17, 2019
Are you Seeing Skeleton Leaves?
It’s that time when the adult Japanese beetles emerge from the soil and begin their feeding frenzy—and they will feed on a wide variety of f

Jul 17, 2019
Weeds, Weeds... Go Away!
With the ground being so wet, you may see new weeds pop up overnight. The biggest help is to catch them early. Here are some ways we help co

Jun 24, 2019
Summer Pruning: Shaping, Rejuvenating & Stimulating More Flowering!
Professional pruning is an art, not a science. Best-practice pruning takes a lot of training and experience—not every plant should get the s

Jun 24, 2019
Are you Seeing a Fungus on your Crabapple Trees?
What is it? Mr. Will King with Ahlum & Arbor, suggests that with the cool nights and wet weather we’ve had, it is a good chance that it

May 24, 2019
Planning a Summer Perennial Garden
A well-planned perennial garden can be just as bright and vibrant as a garden with annuals—and you don’t have to replant it each year!

Jan 20, 2018
Snow is Good... And Bad.
Snow does have its benefits when it comes to landscaping—it is a great insulator. Without snow cover, the frigid temperatures can damage pla

Dec 15, 2017
Christmas Tree Recycling
Be green this winter. We will pickup your tree to recycle it for you—a gift back to our environment!

Dec 15, 2017
Planning Ahead Has Benefits
If you have special events or landscape goals coming up, let us know this winter! We can get your project planned and scheduled for your eve

Oct 25, 2017
Fall Can be Perfect for Planting Trees
Most young trees sold are what landscapers refer to as "bare root" trees. They can be planted in spring, but "bare root"

Oct 24, 2017
Fall Clean Up—7 Easy Tips!
As the growing season comes to the end, you will want think about putting the plants to sleep for the year. Here are some easy tasks to reme

Sep 15, 2017
Preparing Healthy Soil Conditions
Often our clay soils hold moisture or prevent excess water from draining away. Let M.J. prepare healthy soil conditions for success in your

Sep 15, 2017
Butterflies & Caterpillars—Backyard Miracles!
Milkweed is the host plant for Monarch butterflies. This means that it is the only plant the female butterfly will lay its eggs on. The Milk

Aug 21, 2017
Instant Fall Color
The changing track of sunlight in your garden allows you to create a seemingly whole new garden in autumn. Mix mums with other fall annuals
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