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Apr 21, 2021
The Latest Company Events
We try to acknowledge some of the Hispanic culture for our Hispanic workers as we celebrate a variety of holidays!

Mar 26, 2021
Award Received at Annual Landscape Awards Competition
M.J. Design was one of just four companies to win an award in ONLA's 48th Annual Landscape Awards competition!

Mar 26, 2021
Keeping Our Earth-Friendly Commitments
Many of reduce, recycle and reuse practices have been the standard at M.J. Design for quite some time!

Mar 26, 2021
The Brood X Cicadas are Coming this Year!
This is the year of the Cicadas. Brood X, commonly known as ‘The 17-year Cicadas’ will be emerging from the ground.

Feb 17, 2021
Welcome to our High School Intern—Stella!
I am grateful that M.J. Design knows the importance of mentoring young adults while also teaching about the landscape industry.

Jan 25, 2021
Joel's Dirt: The latest on H2B, and our spring preview
We are fortunate to have secured Permanent Resident Cards (green cards) for many of our workers, but our H2B support staff is unlikely.

Dec 21, 2020
2020 Summary from Molly—Feeling Grateful.
As we wrap up 2020, let's think about the positives. We know there were hardships and disappointments. But there is much to be grateful for.

Dec 21, 2020
Recycling doesn't always mean composting
Of course we recycle everything we can at M.J. Design, but it is not always into compost.

Oct 23, 2020
Career Opportunities!
M. J. Design is looking to hire people who enjoy working in the horticulture industry, have a horticulture background, and love plants!

Oct 23, 2020
Silver Award from the National Association of Landscape Professionals
M.J. Design Associates is proud to announce it has been awarded an Award of Excellence—Silver Award by the NALP.

Oct 21, 2020
Annual Bonfire Pumpkin Carvings
Our staff recently displayed their artistic talents through pumpkin carvings at our annual bonfire.

Sep 23, 2020
Joel's Dirt: 2020 Growing Season Reflections
Just keeping plants alive has been a challenge, let alone looking great! Regardless, I have been very proud of M.J. Design’s work/results.

Aug 24, 2020
Annual Team Outing at High Ropes Adventure Course
Each year we take our crew to experience something new. This summer we went to ZipZone and put strength, endurance, and agility to the test!

Jul 27, 2020
August 29th Garden Tour!
You're invited to visit our M.J. Gardens (outdoors) on Saturday, August 29 from 10 am – 2 pm!
*COVID-19 guidelines observed.

Jul 27, 2020
Thanks to our 2020 Summer Help!
We want to thank the college and high school staff for all their help this summer. They have done a wonderful job assisting in many ways.

Mar 25, 2020
A Health & Safety Update
Here at M.J. Design, we are taking extra precautions to safeguard our employees and customers.

Mar 16, 2020
Health & Safety is Our Highest Priority
Let me be clear. Your health and the health of our team members is my highest priority. Period.

Mar 14, 2020
Welcoming the Newest Member to the M.J. Family
Congrats to our landscape designer, Michael, and Danielle on their newborn!

Mar 13, 2020
M.J. Donates Time to Improve Industrial Parkway Roundabout
We were frustrated with the lack of care to the installations since built, and have offered to donate our time and materials to help improve

Mar 12, 2020
Recycling 102: Recycling plastics—a continuation on proper practices
You will notice, we bring all plastic items from our work back with us to the shop so the items can be recycled properly.
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