We Believe in GREEN work...
Done in a GREEN way...
The DETAILS matter!
At M.J. Design, we ensure sustainable practices:
We bring back much of our own debris from pruning and deadheading and we use this material to make our own compost. We also will take much of our debris to Kurtz Bros., who in turns will recycle and use it to make their own products that they sell.
We use Custom Hardwood Mulch, because we love the look of the product and it is all natural. There are no dyes used for coloring. With natural aging of the wood product and a small addition of compost, this product has a rich natural color that will last throughout most of the season. Best yet, it does breakdown each year and adds nutrients back into the soil, which benefits the plant material. In addition, with the breaking down it allows you to top dress again each season without building up too much mulch in the landscape beds.
We recycle many of our everyday products from office to construction materials. We have a recycle bin at the office that is emptied every two weeks. We use this for any paper waste from the office. We also collect cans, bottles and our plastic containers from our landscape division. Rumpke will even take the plastic trays and cellpacks from our annual plantings. Our crews will separate their trash at the end of the day and place items in different bins from; plant tags, fertilizer bags, metal cages and containers. Learn about our soil prep processes...
We offer Organic Lawn Care maintenance services for those clients who would prefer a non-synthetic approach.
We use Organic fertilizers for our plant material. Hollytone is used each year to fertilize all shrubs and perennials on sites that we maintain. We will use Biotone for new landscape installations, as this product will add some early nutrients to help both the plants and the soil adapt to their new environment.
We recently purchased a Battery Operated Blower and Chainsaw. We hope to continue to add these pieces to each of our service trucks.
In the future we are looking at changing over some of our mowers to propane fuel. Anything we can do to help reduce the amount of carbon emissions going into the air.