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Proper Procedures & Attention to Detail... Both are Our Specialties!
M.J. Design Associates, Inc. is committed to following proper horticulture procedures during landscape installation. Our detailed installations focus on quality rather than production. When bringing the design to life, we choose the right plant for the right location. Upon completion of the installation, M.J. Design will followup and offer regular maintenance packages to maintain and insure that the plant material develops and completes the design intent. We service both residential and commercial clients.
Soil Prep
Would you build a home without a foundation? Roots grow in the top 8-12” of the soil, not in the mulch. That soil needs to be loose and fertile.
Why We Dig Down!
We dig down to a depth of 18” to break up those compacted soils from construction processes and to get better drainage.
Add Organic Matter
We then add 3-4” of organic matter or compost to the planting bed. This is then incorporated into the existing soil. Once the soil is loose, rock and debris free, we then add blended topsoil as needed to create the desired elevation for the landscape bed.
Then Planting is a Breeze!
Once the foundation is set, your plants can grow and flourish for many years.

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